my commissions are:

must read terms and payment before you attempt to commission (obviously -w-)


flat colored sketch — $10

click to enlarge images

shaded sketch — $15

clean linework (shaded) — $25


flat colors — $5

shaded colors — $10

animated — $30

character reference sheet

flat colors — $15

shaded colors — $25


WILL draw

⋆ furries (anthro and feral)
⋆ humans
⋆ food
⋆ pixel art*
⋆ 4-5 characters in one piece**
⋆ semi-realism
⋆ softcore NSFW឵឵឵, NOT OPEN TO MINORS!!! ឵឵(wearing underwear,឵឵឵ artistic nudity)
⋆ regular NSFW, ALSO NOT OPEN TO MINORS!!! (sexual intercourse/acts, suggestive theme, full nudity)
*price may increase if requested art is overcomplicated
**price may increase OR request may be declined if requested chars. are overcomplicated


⋆harmful degeneracy; use ur head.
⋆ overcomplicated characters, props, etc.
⋆ hardcore NSFW (extreme kinks, watersports, sc*t, etc.)
⋆ robots (cyborgs are okay)
⋆ gore, self-harm, severe injuries*
⋆ extreme, buff body types
⋆ extreme, obese body types
*candy gore is an exception

if there's any question you have about what i do/don't draw, please ask

valid payment

(ordered most preferred to least preferred):

⋆ paypal
⋆ cashapp
⋆ venmo — coming soon
⋆ zelle — coming soon
⋆ visa gift cards
⋆ amazon gift cards
⋆ discord nitro
⋆ robux


must pay before i start឵឵឵ OR after sketch

thank u for reading! <3

NSFW examples